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GET COUNTED! Shape Tomorrow

The 10-year census is critical, as it helps legislative authorities, policy implementors, and municipal agencies to better and more accurately allocate resources to the population. IT IS CURRENTLY NOT REQUIRED TO ANSWER OR ASK QUESTIONS REGARDING CITIZENSHIP. Accurate records of the population are critical to have, regardless of an individual's personal opinions regarding a residents' citizenship status.


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Giving You Voice

Chamber leaders sit on Boards, attend summits, and work nonstop to ensure that the business community and residents of the North Bay are given  a voice.

GAC : Your Eyes, Ears and Voice

The Government Affairs Committee helps the Chamber keep a pulse on the community, developments, projects and candidates. We engage with commiunity leaders to ensure that local businesses are given a voice and representation.

MidTerm Elections 2018

Get the scoop on the upcoming midterm elections. Learn who the Novato Chamber is supporting, and stay up to date with the local political climate.

Community Projects

Local projects coming to town include are shaping the way our community is evolving. Stay engages with the Novato Chamber because we keep a pulse on projects coming your way!


Endorsements are part of our nature. We support candidates and policies that welcome business to Novato as well as support existing businesses, their employees and our community.

North Bay Chamber Summit

This past spring, the Chamber's of the North Bay convened to come up with key legislative advocacy points to bring to Sacramento. This year, four topics where chosen.

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Unfair Burden

We understand that the cost of living in Marin is high... but so is the cost of doing business. Who protects the businesses?  The minimum wage increase is NOT the way to address Marin's high cost of living. It places unfair burdens on the business owners who are already struggling.

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too. Contact your local City Council Member

Opinion | Why Novato?

Novato has some of the lowest cost-of-living in Marin County--so why is the Minimum Wage being pushed here? 

Novato has the lowest rate of business-residental zonings. The business community is at the mercy of the residents...they are asking for you to help, Novato should not lead this fight in Marin County!

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too. Contact your local City Council Member

New Businesses need to be WELCOMED

Novato has some of the highest vacancy rates in the North Bay. We need to welcome new businesses with business-community practices.

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too. Contact your local City Council Member


Some people make the argument that the minimum wage in Marin SHOULD be on a different schedule than the rest of the state; due to the higher cost of living.

Cost-of-Business is higher here as well. Who supports the businesses?

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too.

Traffic Novato Chamber


Some local politicians have argued that a faster schedule would help people cope with high cost-of-living. As it turns out, many people who make minimum wage DO NOT live in Novato. So, most likely, local Novato residents would not be the main benefactor of the new schedule...but hometown business would bear the brunt of the consequences. 

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too. Contact your local City Council Member

Living Wage is NOT Minimum Wage

Some would argue that no-one can survive in Marin on the minimum wage. That is a fair statement. Minimum wage is not designed to be a living wage. It was formulated to welcome NEW members to the workforce and ensure low-skilled work was at least valued.

When the minimum wage goes up, positions that were awarded to inexperienced employees like high school students, re-entry employees, immigrants or part-time positions are the most under threat.

Stick with the State Schedule | Business needs support too. Contact your local City Council Member

Novato Eyes Early Minimum Wage Adoption - Marin IJ

"...Statewide, the minimum wage is set for an incremental climb to $15 per hour by 2022 for employers with 26 or more employees and by 2023 for small businesses with 25 workers or less. Novato business owners urged the city to stick with this schedule to prevent layoffs and rising prices."...

Living Wage is NOT Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is a price point intended for workers with incomplete skill capabilities or those who cannot either by law or ability to hold down a fully dedicated work schedule. This typically includes re-entry employees, high school students, etc.  Raising the minimum wage to meet the living wage requirements of Marin County puts these positions at risk.

Raise the Minimum Wage | Stick with California's Schedule

It is the position of the Novato Chamber, Downtown Novato Business Association AND the Marin Small Business Development Center that the City of Novato STICK with the California Minimum Wage Schedule. Speeding up the schedule puts an undue burden on local businesses.

City Staff Report on Minimum Wage

08/30/2019 5:00 PM

The State of California minimum wage is scheduled to increase each year until a minimum wage of $15 per hour is reached in 2023 for all employees.

The Novato City Council is considering an accelerated increase schedule until a minimum wage of $15 per hour is below for more


At a time of high commercial vacancies, high retail / dining turnover and online retail competition businesses need support.  Businesses, like the workers, are part of our community too!  Residents and business work together to make Novato AMAZING. We need to welcome new business and grow the economy not shoot business in the foot. Support business, support Novato!

Announcing our new Premier Annual Sponsorship full of benefits that offer your business visibility the entire year.

Premier Sponsorship

Chamber Committees Affect Change

One way to expand your business' exposure is to volunteer on a Chamber committee. Committees are the boots on the ground, it is where the action happens. Play a role in #ShapingTomorrow in our community, learn about the committees you can participate in!

Committed Committees

Board of Directors

Board members serve a term of 3 years and may serve two consecutive terms. Following a year off-duty, they may resume their service. The Board sets policy, general goals, vision and helps forge the path of the organization under the leadership of the Board President.

Board of Directors

Novato Chamber N Logo

Do You Have Questions? Contact the Novato Chamber Team!

If you have any questions about this page, the Novato Chamber's political position/community project endorsements, or if you are interested in learning more about the Board of Directors and the Novato Chamber's community participation and representation, contact Christina Mendes.
